TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Its a shame really
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Subject Its a shame really
Posted by 96300NAZ on December 02, 2009 at 8:59 AM
  This message has been viewed 1088 times.
In Reply To Found it! High comedy... posted by SeedyROM on November 30, 2009 at 11:19 PM
Message To me, the point of unveiling a future product is to further the R&D. The mudslinging should be welcomed. If you can debate the counterpoints and win, then you have a great product. If you cant, admit defeat and head back to the lab and try again. There's always someone who will catch something you did or didnt do correctly. Designers should welcome it. In my line of engineering work I always have someone else look over the project prior to me flipping the switch. A second set (or more) of eyes always catches something you didnt think of that could lead to potential disasters. Its common sense. Its a shame that Vuk acts so pompus about his products rather than taking the criticism and going back to the drawing boards like he should...even if they are clones.

I'll admit, i found 3zc before i found I've been a member since 04 and rarely ever post unless its something i have hands on experience with.

Its also a shame the moderators act the way they do. While i agree that forums need moderators to step in and cut the crap, when it comes to newly designed products threads should be left as is. Especially when they deal with potentialy hazardous components such as fuel. Not to mention the expense of the car's maintenance when something fails.

Someone else touched on how the "noobs" arent retarded, they just dont know better. Its so true. While i'm confident in my abilities to tighten/loosen a bolt and keep track of where it went, there are still many aspects of the car i do not understand. There are many necessities and tricks to re assembling components that i also do not understand. I'm fortunate enough to have the intelligence to know that the place to go is When it comes down to the bottom line, consumer reviews from the tech gurus are how a lot of us decide on our parts. Unfortunately, 3zc doesnt allow for reputational questioning of its members like does. Its virtually impossible for a new member to realize that a "big dawg member" such as Vuk really sucks when the moderation staff are sweeping up the negative questions behind his path. Sooner or later, the guys who want to learn will see the difference between the two sites and learn the right way...they just might have to go through a few faulty parts and expensive repairs before they realize what they're reading over there is shit.

So when a new member eager to learn about their car searches for "300zx forums" and finds 3zc; it cant be held against them to know the difference between bullshit and truth. I'm sure a good portion of them are trying to learn but the things they're being taught are wrong. Some people are just born followers. They may seem retarded for arguing false facts by some who recognize them, but i bet a majority are not. They just dont have the knowledge to decipher the false facts from the real. Its 3zc's moderation staff thats at fault really. Fortunately for me :), i'm a tight ass who hates seeing his money go out the door so a few years of research led me hear before i bought a single part, which are all still in their original packing and will most likely be obsolete before i finally decide to install. I digress.

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